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Grief is like the ocean; it comes on waves ebbing and flowing.
Sometimes the water is calm and sometimes it is overwhelming.
All we can do is learn to swim. Vicki Harrison



…is personal, with no timetable, and each one of us must find individual ways of coping with the death of a beloved pet. There is no such thing as the "correct way" to grieve.

...caused by the death of your pet is never insignificant. By allowing yourself to grieve, you bring integrity to your deep loss.


…is your expression of love for a cherished companion. A close family member has died. Cry if you want to without apology.


…is like a burn with scars. Healing does occur, but it takes as long as it takes and we are forever changed.


…comparisons are not helpful. Only you know the significance and magnitude of your personal loss.


…does not come with instructions. Despite the influence of the grief industry, your answers may not be in a book, at a support group, or on the Internet. The popular stages, phases, steps, tasks and touchstones of grief and grieving are not right for everyone. Use them if they help. Disregard them if they do not. Whatever works, works.

...and depression share many characteristics, but they are not the same. Depression is an illness. Normal grief is not. Read more about the differences and when to consider professional guidance.


…will tell you what you need, or do not need, for your healing. Follow your heart.

Pet Loss Grief

The sadness you feel when a beloved pet dies is natural. It is part of the pain that comes with losing someone you love. But pet loss is often made more painful because others do not understand how deep the attachment to a pet can be. Pets are members of your immediate family. The task in grieving is to honor your deep loss.

Your remaining pets grieve, too, when one of their companions dies. Learn the common signs of animal grief and ways to comfort your grieving pet.

May loving memories of your pet comfort you now, and in all the days ahead. Thank you for visiting.

February 2025


Our animal friends teach us more than we could have expected and love
us more than we could have hoped…that is why we miss them more
than we could have imagined. John Galsworthy

Jimmy -yellow-cat.jpg

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This is a free site for general information only. It is not intended as professional counsel.  If you need help, please seek expert advice.

© 2020 Christine Jette

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